The true story of how I met Helen starts in a hospital located in New York City. I was only 18 and worked in the kitchen making a hefty penny for my age. I arrived on her floor to witness a glass of water and several pills thrown out the doorway and the worse cussing I had ever heard. The nurses and doctors seemed terrified of her. The young doctor came running out as he could not get her to take her medication. Well I had to go in to give her a dinner tray. Everyone was hopeful for me that she would be nice to me. I said a prayer and walked in. I knew immediately that I would give her no attention and that's what I did.
I walked in and placed the tray on the table, glancing to see she was a fraile Israeli woman who was causing all the rutcuss. I asked her, what I think no one else thought to do, "Do you need anything else". Immediately she said softly, no that is all." As I was walking out she said," What is your name?" I told her and left to see a group of professionals with puzzled looks and their mouths opened. From that day on, at her request I was in her room when the doctors needed to give her meds or speak with her.
This went on for 6 months until on day she was moved to a nursing home. I was able to visit her and the staff thought I was her relative. Which I always found funny as I have beautiful brown skin and Helen was a Caucasian Jew. I visited her for two years off and on after school. We talked about everything. She gave me good advise and I loved hearing about her going fishing with her dad and when she was a cheerleader. She loved to hold my hand as she told stories and even kissed them to tell me she cared about me. We both looked forward to spending time together. One day I realized she has never had a friend or family visit her. She told me something like, "they did not exist". I do remember seeing documents that she had family. I surmised that she did something not in accordance with her culture, traditions and religion. So she may have been ostracized which I can see. She had a strong non-bias attitude about people and life.
One day, after school I could not find her. They had taken her away to a care unit. she had become very sick. I was in the middle of finals and stayed to kiss her hands and tell her how wonderful she is. When exams were over I went as usual to visit her and found out she had died. I matured a lot during the time I knew Helen and learned about this wonderful stage of life. A call, a visit means so much to them. Listening to their stories when no one seems to care. Giving the respect that they are due; "Is there anything you need?"Helen bonded to me because she saw that I was the only one in her circle/world who saw her for who she was-a beautiful and wonderful person, and it broke the barriers of race. There is so much value in loving the elderly; you get so much back as well.
*In Loving Memory of HM*
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
The Undercover Comedian
Sometimes we have great plans for ourselves and it is of utmost importance that we fulfill our dreams or follow through with things we have always wanted to do or see or buy. How often do we get a chance to seize the opportunity to go outside of ourselves and help someone else. Especially when they are not related to us.
I have a funny story to tell you. My husband and I have a friend who is a teacher and we car pool with him every morning for about two years now. He is the funniest person who always has a joke or hilarious real life story about his exploits of his life as a teacher, single dad, an old rock band, getting free stuff, getting back into shape, scenarios of the latest headlines, etc. So I have been saying for a year that I was going to book him on a comedy show. He never took me serous and I never took it seroius either.
Then one day after hearing his story about his new plans to get in shape and almost drowning in the pool I said I will really do it. So I looked up the Comedy club that my husband and I had gone to some time ago. I sent out an email thinking nothing would happen. Three days later the director replies to my email stating he has booked this new person that I have discovered for April 2nd. I almost fell out of my seat. I told our friend and he could not believe it. I was not sure if he was mad, happy or surprised.
He said he would do it and wanted to do his research first by checking out one of the acts and speaking to the the director himself. When he finally emailed him back the director told him, "I have not booked you for the regular open night, I booked you for the professional showcase where Chris Rock and other famous comedians perform. Your name is listed on the line up." He said he wanted to email him back and say, "Are you out of your &%@*? mind? I am a teacher with a good sense of humor not a professional real life comedian man." But with all that he is going to do it.
So if you have the motivation, talent, supportive woospa, belief in someone, help them take their ideas to another level. Partner with them, initiate a great idea for them as you know their strengths. Take a chance and have fun with it. Or get together with someone who you know has the tools to help you to get to where you want to be. This blog is a reminder to me that anything is possible and to make achievements one step at a time.
I have a funny story to tell you. My husband and I have a friend who is a teacher and we car pool with him every morning for about two years now. He is the funniest person who always has a joke or hilarious real life story about his exploits of his life as a teacher, single dad, an old rock band, getting free stuff, getting back into shape, scenarios of the latest headlines, etc. So I have been saying for a year that I was going to book him on a comedy show. He never took me serous and I never took it seroius either.
Then one day after hearing his story about his new plans to get in shape and almost drowning in the pool I said I will really do it. So I looked up the Comedy club that my husband and I had gone to some time ago. I sent out an email thinking nothing would happen. Three days later the director replies to my email stating he has booked this new person that I have discovered for April 2nd. I almost fell out of my seat. I told our friend and he could not believe it. I was not sure if he was mad, happy or surprised.
He said he would do it and wanted to do his research first by checking out one of the acts and speaking to the the director himself. When he finally emailed him back the director told him, "I have not booked you for the regular open night, I booked you for the professional showcase where Chris Rock and other famous comedians perform. Your name is listed on the line up." He said he wanted to email him back and say, "Are you out of your &%@*? mind? I am a teacher with a good sense of humor not a professional real life comedian man." But with all that he is going to do it.
So if you have the motivation, talent, supportive woospa, belief in someone, help them take their ideas to another level. Partner with them, initiate a great idea for them as you know their strengths. Take a chance and have fun with it. Or get together with someone who you know has the tools to help you to get to where you want to be. This blog is a reminder to me that anything is possible and to make achievements one step at a time.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Info on Teza

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Book Signing
My sister in law informed us of a book signing by Dr. Abebe Ambatchew On his new book called:
A Glimpse of Greatness Emperor Haile Selassie I: The Person
Saturday, March 27, 2010, 2pm-4pm
United Nations Plaza
777 West 44th Street
(On 1st Avenue)
*Light refreshments will be served
A Glimpse of Greatness Emperor Haile Selassie I: The Person
Saturday, March 27, 2010, 2pm-4pm
United Nations Plaza
777 West 44th Street
(On 1st Avenue)
*Light refreshments will be served
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Eye on Ethiopians in White House
Yohannes Abraham has become the Assistant Deputy Director to Legislative Affairs in the White House. He is 23 years old and graduated from Yale University. He started as a field organizer for Obama before excelling to his current position.
Daniel Yohannes has a multibillion business Aid Program. He came from Ethiopia when he was 17 years old to do research. Now he has worked with the former and current President in helping to fight poverty for countries with good social and economic policies. He has worked in China, throughout Africa, and hondurous where he has been selective.
Mehret Ayalew Mandefro is a primary care physician and HIV prevention researcher who was granted the White House Fellows recipient by Michelle Obama for year 2009-2010. Her educational achievements are many as she has a BA cum laude in Anthropology and Medical Doctorate from Harvard University.
Marcus Samuelsson the renown Chef was invited by President Obama to cook for State Dinner.
Daniel Yohannes has a multibillion business Aid Program. He came from Ethiopia when he was 17 years old to do research. Now he has worked with the former and current President in helping to fight poverty for countries with good social and economic policies. He has worked in China, throughout Africa, and hondurous where he has been selective.
Mehret Ayalew Mandefro is a primary care physician and HIV prevention researcher who was granted the White House Fellows recipient by Michelle Obama for year 2009-2010. Her educational achievements are many as she has a BA cum laude in Anthropology and Medical Doctorate from Harvard University.
Marcus Samuelsson the renown Chef was invited by President Obama to cook for State Dinner.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Pisces is usually associated with being extremely creative, sensitive, artistic, as well as a healthy fascination with metaphysics and the spiritual. Pisces are commonly known to be inventors, writers, musicians, painters and dancers. They make great friends and mates. They are extremely loyal and caring. Pisces often posses uncanny intuitive or psychic
I live with two men who were born in March. The third one is a December baby like myself. I get along well with Pisces they are the kindest, sweetest people you ever want to meet. They always want to help someone and once you get to know them, are really sensitive people. They are quiet by nature and not loud like me and my other December cohort. At least the noise ratio in the house is equally distributed except when the "Decembers" want to tell you all about their days, starting from that day....and the day before... which links to another memory.. a beautiful story they forgot to tell you and a reminder about an important revelation and deep meaning of life. I almost feel bad for my family Pisces until I remember they always have a plan for something like Ralph Kramden on the Honeymooners. At times they live in a virtual world of high security. They forget you were talking to them. I won't mention their love for sleep. I will admit though they have great taste in the finer things of life. At the age of three my young Pisces saw me coming through the doorway and asked if I could get him a glass of ice tea from the refrigerator.This was no problem for me but I just had to shake my head as he had propped up his feet on a cushion, and one behind his head, his favorite blanket covering his legs while eyes glued to his favorite cartoon show.
The second part of this post is that I have no idea what to get them. I just remembered for the little one something he had mentioned and that I was looking into. I called them today so it was not too late and reservations have been taken care of. Now for my husband I have no clue. Women are really so much easier to get gifts for. But what do you get a man?!!! Especially when they love techie stuff. You'll be broke for a few months. Anything less is just..."nice". (Pause). O.k. I just did a Google search. I think I got it.....
I live with two men who were born in March. The third one is a December baby like myself. I get along well with Pisces they are the kindest, sweetest people you ever want to meet. They always want to help someone and once you get to know them, are really sensitive people. They are quiet by nature and not loud like me and my other December cohort. At least the noise ratio in the house is equally distributed except when the "Decembers" want to tell you all about their days, starting from that day....and the day before... which links to another memory.. a beautiful story they forgot to tell you and a reminder about an important revelation and deep meaning of life. I almost feel bad for my family Pisces until I remember they always have a plan for something like Ralph Kramden on the Honeymooners. At times they live in a virtual world of high security. They forget you were talking to them. I won't mention their love for sleep. I will admit though they have great taste in the finer things of life. At the age of three my young Pisces saw me coming through the doorway and asked if I could get him a glass of ice tea from the refrigerator.This was no problem for me but I just had to shake my head as he had propped up his feet on a cushion, and one behind his head, his favorite blanket covering his legs while eyes glued to his favorite cartoon show.
The second part of this post is that I have no idea what to get them. I just remembered for the little one something he had mentioned and that I was looking into. I called them today so it was not too late and reservations have been taken care of. Now for my husband I have no clue. Women are really so much easier to get gifts for. But what do you get a man?!!! Especially when they love techie stuff. You'll be broke for a few months. Anything less is just..."nice". (Pause). O.k. I just did a Google search. I think I got it.....
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