I was reading about what is called the "new oil", another national resource in demand by millions of people-Safe Drinking Water. I read about the "
Water Wars" that exist in India and China; relative to conditions in East Africa. I read about possible facts from well known organizations to get a better picture, such as
WHO and
UNICEF. You can also see more on
Nazret.com. After reading and seeing a few videos I remembered visiting many of these places first hand; Kenya, Ethiopia, and Somalia. I've watched as people had to transport water to get to their families instead of the water flowing through safe piping.
Then I thought, there are people killing themselves around the world to acquire gems and oil, while others are fighting to acquire clean drinking water. Now with "advance technology" there is the treatment of water, as we do here in developing countries, is made so simply abroad. Filtration has also proven effective yet slow in distribution and can be expensive. The lack of water is more severe in the Sub Sahara regions, and global warming has been identified in accelerating the drought areas. For these regions more water is simply needed. This is where we will always go back to the basics of donations from people like us. I looked up some great sites if you are interested in donating with me.
CHF International funds Ethiopia and is registered in Maryland. There is also
Global Giving and a really cool site that has an interesting beginning,
charity:water. If you have other sites you would like to post, please feel free. Donations can go far. I also know this first hand.