Fundraising can seem tedious and difficult but I have really been challenged as well as enjoying the process. I have come to realize that creativity and partnership is a great formula for expanding ones organization.
As you are networking with similar organizations you get to see how you are unique but you also learn about the efforts needed to make your program excellent. It is clear that you need mentors and hearing their passion for their cause motivates you to take things higher.

As we are preparing for June's distribution of scholarships, ideas continually manifest in ways to make money. All the ideas involve partnerships. There is no way around getting private funding. We can't wait to have the status for applying for grant money and even with that, networking has opened a door to having our very own grant writer. Even our recipients for scholarships came about through communication with someone in the field. What's funny is they were right under our nose. I knew a few of them from our volunteer work on the weekends. They are excellent students who are student volunteers.

The second part of our project involves our giving overseas and I love the idea of one of our board members to expand our giving. It is simple and sheer genius. Coming together as a team has been very beneficial. I was focused on our next trip which we will be making, hopefully this year, but to include key figures will promote the program to a more respectable status. We are definitely up for the challenge.
Lastly education and research are your friends. Failure is not an option. Fundraising made easy really is about learning the do's and don'ts of the non-profit business. I have been reading a book called How to Form a Nonprofit Corporation by attorney Anthony Mancuso. It is a simple read and answers all the basic questions I have as I wait for 501 approval. Until then we relay on the kindness of others, as the middle men, we hand over proceeds to valued recipients, who will succeed, to pay a forward. This is the real way to stretching a dollar and getting your money's worth.