Friday, November 9, 2012
Monday, November 5, 2012
Let the Funds Roll In.
Fundraising has begun for the scholarship program. This year we have our first female recipient. I am learning so much as the founder. I decided to write a few tips off the top of my head.
1. Inspire by doing more work than everyone else.
2. Board Members are inspired by being decisive and following through.
3. It's okay to get member's input and give them credit when you apply their ideas.
4. See ahead.
5. Be honest with yourself.
6. Have integrity for the finances.
7. If you believe in what you are doing you will have to beg.
8. Write everything down and be organized.
9. If you have close friends or family on the team, expect some criticism.
10. You don't have to have only face to face meetings, a email work just as good.
Say a prayer and wish us luck in succeeding our goals.
Our Trip To Ethiopia
1. Inspire by doing more work than everyone else.
2. Board Members are inspired by being decisive and following through.
3. It's okay to get member's input and give them credit when you apply their ideas.
4. See ahead.
5. Be honest with yourself.
6. Have integrity for the finances.
7. If you believe in what you are doing you will have to beg.
8. Write everything down and be organized.
9. If you have close friends or family on the team, expect some criticism.
10. You don't have to have only face to face meetings, a email work just as good.
Say a prayer and wish us luck in succeeding our goals.
Our Trip To Ethiopia
Sunday, September 2, 2012
MH Community Forum's reply.
Here is a message sent out from the organizer/facilitator of the Mental Health Community Event. She sent this message after I gave my feedback to the email group.
{Hello Petrina,
Thanks for your encouragement!! I will definitely give you a heads up when the full program is uploaded on the web site. Everyone involved has agreed that this dialogue needs to continue, and so I will be sure to keep you posted.
Thanks again!
{Hello Petrina,
Thanks for your encouragement!! I will definitely give you a heads up when the full program is uploaded on the web site. Everyone involved has agreed that this dialogue needs to continue, and so I will be sure to keep you posted.
Thanks again!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Mental Health Community Forum 2012
I attended a wonderful gathering of health professionals who were concerned for the Mental Health Status within the Ethiopian Community. The topic of discussion was Mental Illness and Suicide. The program was on August 25, 2012 in the Washington DC area.
I loved hearing the speakers as they were diverse in skill set among the many Universities such as George Mason and Harvard, The Department of Mental Health, Department of Family Medicine in Chicago, Counselors in Charter schools and Directors of Education within the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. All of the speakers did an excellent job. It was put together on short notice due to the urgency of awareness as this week alone; there was a planned funeral service for two brothers who committed suicide.
Two very special people took the podium and all media was turned off for confidentiality. A young woman and man were able to draw in the audience, explaining their story of depression and difficulty in coming to this country and wanting to end their lives. It was a moving time. I cried. The facilitator, Tseday Aragie, gave members of the audience a chance to respond. I was able to share my thoughts as a health care clinician.
From being married and living within the culture, it has become clear to me that the family unit is such an integral part of each member's lives, that the family should be educated on the signs of Depression and Suicide. I also recommended a directory for contacting health care professional who are Ethiopian and sensitive to cultural needs. There should be a website on mental health specific to Ethiopians, with articles form other Ethiopians to break the stigma associated with having a mental or emotional illness. Lastly, an Ethiopian yahoo group sent an invitation for this event. (I get to be an invited member because of my husband). I suggested a similar group to be made for persons with mental health issues who can log on with alias names, for confidentiality.
I can't wait to attend the next gathering updating the community on breakthroughs and results from implementing the feedback.
I loved hearing the speakers as they were diverse in skill set among the many Universities such as George Mason and Harvard, The Department of Mental Health, Department of Family Medicine in Chicago, Counselors in Charter schools and Directors of Education within the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. All of the speakers did an excellent job. It was put together on short notice due to the urgency of awareness as this week alone; there was a planned funeral service for two brothers who committed suicide.
Two very special people took the podium and all media was turned off for confidentiality. A young woman and man were able to draw in the audience, explaining their story of depression and difficulty in coming to this country and wanting to end their lives. It was a moving time. I cried. The facilitator, Tseday Aragie, gave members of the audience a chance to respond. I was able to share my thoughts as a health care clinician.
From being married and living within the culture, it has become clear to me that the family unit is such an integral part of each member's lives, that the family should be educated on the signs of Depression and Suicide. I also recommended a directory for contacting health care professional who are Ethiopian and sensitive to cultural needs. There should be a website on mental health specific to Ethiopians, with articles form other Ethiopians to break the stigma associated with having a mental or emotional illness. Lastly, an Ethiopian yahoo group sent an invitation for this event. (I get to be an invited member because of my husband). I suggested a similar group to be made for persons with mental health issues who can log on with alias names, for confidentiality.
I can't wait to attend the next gathering updating the community on breakthroughs and results from implementing the feedback.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Will, Jada and Charity: Water
charity:water does it again. Humanitarian giving is courageous. How nice of them to combine their birthday's to help Ethiopia.
Read more: Smiths visit Ethiopia for Charity.
"Our trip to Ethiopia with charity: water was an incredibly eye-opening and authentic experience," said Smith.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Young Humanitarian Hearts
My children have such caring hearts for animals especially my youngest. His love of animals does not just stop at caring for birds, insects, dog and cats but humans as well. He cried for 6 hours, off and on, when he saw a homeless man standing on the side of the highway, holding a sign for donations. This was just a week ago. We couldn't stop him from crying the whole day because he felt so sorry for this man; regardless of our best efforts. He is the same child who is selling rocks to feed children in Africa. We almost went for broke on our trip to Ethiopia, with our children. They could not understand why we did not give every child who held their hands out, some Ethiopian Birr or coins.
My youngest wanted us to adopt as many as possible which my husband and I have discussed in the past. Since we have two Ethiopian boys by birth, why not adopt an Ethiopian girl. My sons think it's a great idea which surprised me because they didn't mind having another girl in the house. My hopes is that they will continue to have such caring hearts and become actively involved in humanitarian work. The world needs more of us.
My youngest wanted us to adopt as many as possible which my husband and I have discussed in the past. Since we have two Ethiopian boys by birth, why not adopt an Ethiopian girl. My sons think it's a great idea which surprised me because they didn't mind having another girl in the house. My hopes is that they will continue to have such caring hearts and become actively involved in humanitarian work. The world needs more of us.
Mission: Rescue fallen baby birds from ground during summer heat wave.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Mariam Tutoring Center
We had another successful semester at Mariam Church Tutoring Center in DC. We have committed to volunteer as tutors at their Saturday Program. All the tutors have a higher education degree, tutoring in Science, Mathematics, English, and Reading Comprehension. Most of the learning is during homework help time, then they have a 45 minute break and snack time, which the parents organize.
We have a few outings in the summer and there is a spelling bee program that will continue for those who want to participate.They had such a good time on the last day. I made sure to take a few pictures of the activities and conversations.
We have a few outings in the summer and there is a spelling bee program that will continue for those who want to participate.They had such a good time on the last day. I made sure to take a few pictures of the activities and conversations.
Friday, June 22, 2012
There Can Only Be One
The team for The Ethiopian Foundation will be choosing the new scholarship recipient on Saturday, June 23, 2012. This will be our second year of candidates who wrote beautiful and inspiring personal letters with high level GPA's. This will be no easy task, but there can only be one.
I have written a letter to inform all candidates who will not be approved. It will have to be delicate but encouraging to other great available opportunities. I have been rejected a few times from academic programs and scholarships. So I think I know what would be the "needed" thing to say. If they are as ambitious as I was, they will not give up that easily.
For the recipient who is chosen, we will set up a meeting to meet them and their family. I don't think this is done with most foundations. It will be another exciting time. We are also working on more funding. If you want to give, you may send a check or money order to The Ethiopian Foundation P.O. Box 2331, Fairfax, VA 22031.
Thanks for your continued support. We will include you on our Wall of Contributors to the Right of this page, unless otherwise requested.
I have written a letter to inform all candidates who will not be approved. It will have to be delicate but encouraging to other great available opportunities. I have been rejected a few times from academic programs and scholarships. So I think I know what would be the "needed" thing to say. If they are as ambitious as I was, they will not give up that easily.
For the recipient who is chosen, we will set up a meeting to meet them and their family. I don't think this is done with most foundations. It will be another exciting time. We are also working on more funding. If you want to give, you may send a check or money order to The Ethiopian Foundation P.O. Box 2331, Fairfax, VA 22031.
Thanks for your continued support. We will include you on our Wall of Contributors to the Right of this page, unless otherwise requested.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Buy Rocks for the African Children
Dear, people
Please buy these rocks becuse i will give the african people to get money they do not have jobs, clean water, and food please help them they need sweets and vegetables.
Two weeks ago, my 1st grader, Iyasu, was outside with a friend gathering rocks. He came inside looking to make a sign so that he could sell rocks to the neighbors for the children of Ethiopia. (He still remembers the trip from two years ago). Who was I to stop him.
Last night he said, "Mama, we need toner for the printer". I told him I'd buy some this weekend. I was distracted and forgot to ask him why. This morning I went to check on the printer, opening the top of the printer, a sheet of paper falls to the ground, with this letter, written in pencil.
I froze and laughed and became serious and introspective and awed by my son's heart for those less fortunate than himself. I can't wait to show his father. Now my son has me thinking, what levels will I go to meet the needs of people here and abroad?
Monday, May 21, 2012
This is a tough subject. To protest or not to protest. We as a nation feel pretty strongly about our rights being observed and recognized.
Some would look at these pictures and say how noble and timely, to fight for Ethiopia from a prominent country.
Others who know the reason for the protest may be against it as tension exists from the past.
This was the scene as Ethiopians trickled from a trip to The Capital, energized from protesting with other Ethiopians, statewide.
As they dispersed, these are the photos left of hopeful expectations of a shadow demonstration.
Some would look at these pictures and say how noble and timely, to fight for Ethiopia from a prominent country.
Others who know the reason for the protest may be against it as tension exists from the past.
This was the scene as Ethiopians trickled from a trip to The Capital, energized from protesting with other Ethiopians, statewide.
As they dispersed, these are the photos left of hopeful expectations of a shadow demonstration.
Monday, April 9, 2012
A Dying Man's Last Words

How important is a man's last words? What if they are your last words? How important would they be and how would you want them valued? What is heaviest on our hearts is what will be spoken on our lips.
Many celebrated this past Sunday as Easter, the day Jesus died. One of his last words to Peter in John 21 was to take care of his sheep. In another gospel he asked for his mother to be taken care of and for her to take care of John. The night he was to die, he washed the disciples feet before the last dinner, to teach them that this is what we should do for each other.
Once he is gone, he commissioned them in Matthew 28 to continue his teaching with those who do not know. It was important for Jesus to get the message across even in the mist of death, for us to care for one another. For those we know and those we do not know. This is what made his teachings radical. It causes us to go outside of ourselves or inside of ourselves, to a deep place where we do not always go.
Let's continue to honor him and his teachings.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Give Me Your Eyes-Brandon Heath
I have been looking for this video for 2 years. I could not remember the name of the song until it played on family radio in the car today. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Loving Cookies & Loving Life
This should be in a fortune cookie as it struck a cord in me when my 9 year old son made the statement before going to bed:
"Those Who Love Cookies, Loves Life."
It took some time before I understood the depth of this simple childlike saying. Cookies for him meant the advantages or enjoyments or elements or things life has to offer. Things that are for our enrichment or meant for us to enjoy. Cookies is the ideal in his world at this time. What is your current "Cookie"? Is it your job? Is it your children? Is it your parents? Is it someone who has supported you? Is it a good meal? Is it paid overtime? A new house? An "A" in a course you were taking?
We can go so much deeper with this but I think you get the idea. Life is about enjoying the things around you and being grateful for them. Don't take them for granted. All the good in our life is sweet and again, enjoyable. Loving your life is about loving everything in it, including yourself. Appreciate everything you have. Savor it. In so doing, you'll find, you love life.
*Inspired by my 9 year old MMY
We can go so much deeper with this but I think you get the idea. Life is about enjoying the things around you and being grateful for them. Don't take them for granted. All the good in our life is sweet and again, enjoyable. Loving your life is about loving everything in it, including yourself. Appreciate everything you have. Savor it. In so doing, you'll find, you love life.
*Inspired by my 9 year old MMY
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
The children read to me.
I was asked to read with my son's class but my schedule just doesn't permit; until this week. The person who had Wednesday mornings canelled and the parent organizer asked me to help out. She even gave me her day, so that I would be able to come in on a consistent basis.
The teacher called seven students, one by one to come with me to a table in a wide carpeted hallway, which connects classrooms. Each student read to me so I was able to pick up on their strengths and weaknesses. One was very funny. One student gets distracted easy telling me about her new beta fish and what she did and will do over the weekend. You had to bring her back by saying, "I can't wait to see what's at the end of the story".
The next student read but decided to share about a confrontation with another student that happened to him almost two years ago and we spoke of how to handle it if he found himself in similar situations. Then I had a great opportunity to have my son read to me. I was so proud as he was in his element with reading. The last student out shined everyone. She was reading chapter books.
So my time was about giving praises, tricks to reading, a short counseling session, more praise, listening and talking about what intereats them, all while reading books. What a rewarding day. I had no idea I would enjoy myself so much. "It was a pleasure reading with you. I really enjoyed myself".
I can't wait until next time. I implore you to take advantage of your children's school and get involved. Use your talents for them. It's an undescribable high. And they will remember you.
The teacher called seven students, one by one to come with me to a table in a wide carpeted hallway, which connects classrooms. Each student read to me so I was able to pick up on their strengths and weaknesses. One was very funny. One student gets distracted easy telling me about her new beta fish and what she did and will do over the weekend. You had to bring her back by saying, "I can't wait to see what's at the end of the story".
The next student read but decided to share about a confrontation with another student that happened to him almost two years ago and we spoke of how to handle it if he found himself in similar situations. Then I had a great opportunity to have my son read to me. I was so proud as he was in his element with reading. The last student out shined everyone. She was reading chapter books.
So my time was about giving praises, tricks to reading, a short counseling session, more praise, listening and talking about what intereats them, all while reading books. What a rewarding day. I had no idea I would enjoy myself so much. "It was a pleasure reading with you. I really enjoyed myself".
I can't wait until next time. I implore you to take advantage of your children's school and get involved. Use your talents for them. It's an undescribable high. And they will remember you.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Love is...
Love is a powerful weapon. A tool for mending broken relationships. It can be used as a platform to draw people near or as a humble lowering of self to show those who are dear.
Love is a word to be used with delicate tones for communicating truths and sternly for breaking through lies. Love is essential although taken lightly by some. It should be shared fairly from the greatest to the least and proportioned with equality from the west to the east.
Love is a feeling that dwindles and fades when within interactions; strongest when proven by the filter of time. It's most accurate by the work set forth and weakened by the consistency of materials bought.
Love is a challenge as it takes account of those without verses those on top. It sifts the heart and opens the mind. It stumbles the man and fathoms his essence for a search he cannot find or a bond that does not bind.
Love is kind. A virtue well hidden in some. A freedom to be released in many. It is best when practiced. It is best when shared. It is best aged and treasured, a fine wine of sorts. It can be traded, passed on, borrowed and taught.
Love is inspiring. Contagious in it's natural form, a closed line, from the giver to the receiver to the giver again. It is euphoric with no reachable height. It is expansive with no limited shape. It is for all a beacon of light.
Love is expansive encompassing all. A covering to those whom embrace it. A wall to those who spite it. It is an entity in itself protecting and endearing. To some wonderfully appealing and others painfully revering.
Love is all these and more. A choice by the viewer and receiver. An experience in itself lonely yet precious with another. The love I choose is best served with the former.
Love is a word to be used with delicate tones for communicating truths and sternly for breaking through lies. Love is essential although taken lightly by some. It should be shared fairly from the greatest to the least and proportioned with equality from the west to the east.
Love is a feeling that dwindles and fades when within interactions; strongest when proven by the filter of time. It's most accurate by the work set forth and weakened by the consistency of materials bought.
Love is a challenge as it takes account of those without verses those on top. It sifts the heart and opens the mind. It stumbles the man and fathoms his essence for a search he cannot find or a bond that does not bind.
Love is kind. A virtue well hidden in some. A freedom to be released in many. It is best when practiced. It is best when shared. It is best aged and treasured, a fine wine of sorts. It can be traded, passed on, borrowed and taught.
Love is inspiring. Contagious in it's natural form, a closed line, from the giver to the receiver to the giver again. It is euphoric with no reachable height. It is expansive with no limited shape. It is for all a beacon of light.
Love is expansive encompassing all. A covering to those whom embrace it. A wall to those who spite it. It is an entity in itself protecting and endearing. To some wonderfully appealing and others painfully revering.
Love is all these and more. A choice by the viewer and receiver. An experience in itself lonely yet precious with another. The love I choose is best served with the former.
Friday, January 13, 2012
MLK Day of Service
What are you doing for Martian Luther King Jr. Holiday this Monday? This day has become historic in helping our communities and those who live around the world. It's the essence of what he was all about, so it should reflect as a day of service. There is so much one can get involved in such as volunteering at food banks, nursing homes, cancer centers, and so much more.
Join your local community in prepared events for the day. We will be helping out at a tutoring program, attending a gathering for advancing the education of children and a conference at Howard University for discussions on Pan-African issues. My favorite organization Hope worldwide will be asking for volunteers as they do each year throughout the US. See below for details. Make this a day of giving back and paying forwards. It will be unforgettable for those you contribute and donate to.
Join your local community in prepared events for the day. We will be helping out at a tutoring program, attending a gathering for advancing the education of children and a conference at Howard University for discussions on Pan-African issues. My favorite organization Hope worldwide will be asking for volunteers as they do each year throughout the US. See below for details. Make this a day of giving back and paying forwards. It will be unforgettable for those you contribute and donate to.
Monday, January 9, 2012
A New Year for Giving
Well it's pretty nice to be able to disperse the funds collected from last years recipient for the Ethiopian Foundation's Scholarship fund. We are expected to call Nathaniel this week to inform him of the first installment of two to be distributed for the beginning of the school year.
Now the fun begins as we will begin our selection process for the second round of applications. We have started momentum for "Giving Ethiopia" as well. More to be announce later. I have been learning so much sinse this organization is up and running. I have also witnessed other organizations going through what I call a metamorphosis. It takes on it's own entity and life, in a way. The bigger it grows the more responsibility for good and sometimes what we didn't expect but you have to "roll with the punches" at whatever phase you are in.
For now we are in a good and healthy phase. We will have to start the process of getting grants soon. Until then the team is working together well. That's hard in all organizations. You'll find new ideas spark and members begin to get involved in other projects as well. This is to be encouraged as a founder. You have to remember you are inspiring and instilling the gift of giving. (Your main objective). With all that the most important is to keep a healthy balance with your family. What's the sense of helping others if you are not loving and helping your family first.
Can't wait to see this year will bring.
Now the fun begins as we will begin our selection process for the second round of applications. We have started momentum for "Giving Ethiopia" as well. More to be announce later. I have been learning so much sinse this organization is up and running. I have also witnessed other organizations going through what I call a metamorphosis. It takes on it's own entity and life, in a way. The bigger it grows the more responsibility for good and sometimes what we didn't expect but you have to "roll with the punches" at whatever phase you are in.
For now we are in a good and healthy phase. We will have to start the process of getting grants soon. Until then the team is working together well. That's hard in all organizations. You'll find new ideas spark and members begin to get involved in other projects as well. This is to be encouraged as a founder. You have to remember you are inspiring and instilling the gift of giving. (Your main objective). With all that the most important is to keep a healthy balance with your family. What's the sense of helping others if you are not loving and helping your family first.
Can't wait to see this year will bring.
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