One day, A new Director of the orphanage was chosen. I think they should have kept the former one as he was a former orphan. Anyway two weeks into new management and the orphanage had no rice for lunch nor dinner. (Just when you think it could not be worst). A few of us drove around looking for a market that sold kilos of rice. Well we finally found one, using the monetary donations given through Hope worldwide; the children would not go to bed hungry. From that time on the Director was more responsible.
Although this may be the saddest post I have ever written so far. I have witnessed this form of starvation first hand at the orphanage. What amazes me is that I have seen teenagers in the orphanage. Once they go out, before curfew is over, they get left overs at the local restaurant for a feast they have never tasted. But for the younger ones I sent the cook out for the day and had to feed an orphanage of 200 + staff. I made pasta and mixed veggies into it. I seasoned it really nicely and added red onions for boosting the immune system. For them this was a feast. For me I had no idea this was such hard work. But it was worth seeing them slurping it up, spinning and twirling the spaghetti in the air; hitting each other as though they were playing tag before eating it. What did I expect? Nothing different. They did not know what Spaghetti was or what it taste like. Translated: "Petrina, what is this" the children said. I responded, "Pasta". "Pasta nice, make for us again" they said.
The next time you get a chance to give money to the poor, someone homeless on the street, plegdges being requested from a reputable organization, especially those overseas, do what you can to be supportive. Giving really goes a long way. That for a day they were able to eat and for a few days they had PASTA and for the holidays they had their fill of meat. For that time, at least, they did not have to eat rice.
Hi there. I'm following you now. I'm way behind on Friday Follow. Just stopping by to say hi.
ReplyDeleteHope you had a great weekend!
Thanks for stopping by. I love your site. I checked out your second one and could not stop laughing.