Thursday, March 31, 2011

Having Good Morals

Having morals goes a long way. It is the ticket or connection to opportunity. The quality of a person is judged by their morals or life standards. Going a step beyond and above the average norms is always impressive. We cheer those who highly value integrity. We honor those among us who are selfless and honest. This is more true when principles are consistently displayed in everyday behavior.

There are times we think what's the sense when everyone is just getting by on low standards and almost no concern for upright behavior. Leaving those who try to do right in the dust. Simply put having good standards for life or doing the right thing gets you left behind. Compared to those who lie to get their kids in good schools, who put false information on their resume, who do the bare minimum and hide behind someone elses good character, who swindle the poor or relative, who lives on a false budget with nice cars and homes, who stereotype a person in comparison to themselves or a group, those that fault find and criticize others in public but praise themselves, then there are people who sleep with the "network" to achieve a goal and of course the person who checks out using substances leaving responsibility for those not able to cope.

We all fit somewhere in these descriptions or between the lines. Honestly, now a days it is hard to do what's right. Especially when we think of how unfair it is that these behaviors are popularly rewarded. Who wants to do what's right? Are there still people out there holding on to integrity? Is it you who faces this all year long and find it hard to keep striving for excellence in your life? Do you envy your neighbor? Do you get distracted by the people in the stands or other runners on this race of life? Do you think will I never make it to the finish line in one piece and satisfied with the life decisions I've made?

Don't be discouraged. There are still those who value a good reputation. They lurk in every job, every academic setting, every family, every event, every group, every generation. It's a society of quiet covert observants and overt advocates. People always notice those who do right. They shine and stand out amidst of all the negative around you. You stand out. This prompts the observants to take action, to side with you, to rally your cause and to support you no matter how unpopular your actions may be. I've seen it time and time again. Why? Maybe they can relate or maybe they envy your good qualities. All is not lost. The world was created with this phenomena of "good timing". The positioning of the earth, the relative harmony of the moon and planets, the balancing of life; all in "good timing".

Your life is no different. All will be right again and in line with your purpose. Getting there with excellent morals is the better path, my friend. Go ahead and strive for what you strongly believe is right and true, for you. Stay focus to your course. Be that supportive observant for others when the opportunity presents. The world sure needs more doesn't it? Having good morals may be harder in this day and age but it certainly is refreshing as it eventually wins over poor standards for getting ahead, everytime. It's like the classic race of the hare and the turtle. Stay your course, latch on to the good and enjoy the ride. Let's be honest here, the twelve commandments are genius! This is what you would teach your kids. Why, because you love them and want the best for them. Well love yourself, as well. Keep your morals to pass it along. Be gentle as you teach, yet passionate about your cause. You of all persons are the most qualified. You have lived both sides of the coin. You are the one being cheered, you are the one society values. You are a rare species. Preserve yourself. No matter how difficult... keep your good moral standards.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Power of Volunteerism

I am amazed at the tenacity of my husband's aunt. I was so elated at hearing her good news because she is a woman who is always helping others. It is so good to know that good and great things happen to good people.

She sold her home and moved from New York about three to four years ago. We would come to visit family and made sure we stopped by to visit her to have some Ingera. She decided to volunteer at a center with a diversity in ethnic backgrounds. One of which is the Ethiopian community in which they needed her for translation in the Amharic language.

All the while, she was unable to find work. She tried to get a job at the center she was volunteering but they did not have a budget that could accommodate her working full time or part time. She stayed faithful. After some time she had to care for a family member which added stress to her financial situation.

She expressed that some days were good and some days were not so good but she continued to pray and stay positive. Then two weeks ago, after an almost four year struggle of looking for work, the center where she volunteers, finally hired her full time. I spoke to her recently and she is very happy. I am amazed at her example of perseverance. Do not underestimate the power of altruism.