Friday, January 13, 2012

MLK Day of Service

What are you doing for Martian Luther King Jr. Holiday this Monday? This day has become historic in helping our communities and those who live around the world. It's the essence of what he was all about, so it should reflect as a day of service. There is so much one can get involved in such as volunteering at food banks, nursing homes, cancer centers, and so much more.

Join your local community in prepared events for the day. We will be helping out at a tutoring program, attending a gathering for advancing the education of children and a conference at Howard University for discussions on Pan-African issues. My favorite organization Hope worldwide will be asking for volunteers as they do each year throughout the US. See below for details. Make this a day of giving back and paying forwards. It will be unforgettable for those you contribute and donate to.

Monday, January 9, 2012

A New Year for Giving

Well it's pretty nice to be able to disperse the funds collected from last years recipient for the Ethiopian Foundation's Scholarship fund. We are expected to call Nathaniel this week to inform him of the first installment of two to be distributed for the beginning of the school year.

Now the fun begins as we will begin our selection process for the second round of applications. We have started momentum for "Giving Ethiopia" as well. More to be announce later. I have been learning so much sinse this organization is up and running. I have also witnessed other organizations going through what I call a metamorphosis. It takes on it's own entity and life, in a way. The bigger it grows the more responsibility for good and sometimes what we didn't expect but you have to "roll with the punches" at whatever phase you are in.

For now we are in a good and healthy phase. We will have to start the process of getting grants soon. Until then the team is working together well. That's hard in all organizations. You'll find new ideas spark and members begin to get involved in other projects as well. This is to be encouraged as a founder. You have to remember you are inspiring and instilling the gift of giving. (Your main objective). With all that the most important is to keep a healthy balance with your family. What's the sense of helping others if you are not loving and helping your family first.

Can't wait to see this year will bring.