Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Ethiopian Comedy

With all the seriousness of life, sometimes we need to take a breather and just laugh. That's one of the greatest gifts you can give anyone. This skit features the well known Meskerem Bekele and is in Amharic, the language spoken most in Ethiopia. It was translated to me so I will do my best to paraphrase for the English speakers. Apparently, the gentleman in the skit was thought to be dead. The first lady is explaining what has happened while everyone thought he was dead. The second young lady who comes in thought he was dead also (they were dating before his "death") and she has moved on with her life as she gets married to someone else. Now she sees him and can't believe he is alive. My favorite part is when the second lady awakens from her fainting spell and say's, "Where's the Kinche?" I have been using this line throughout my everyday life, of course with the right timing, it still cracks me up.

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