Thursday, January 6, 2011

Have you seen Lulit?

We met on the subway in New York City. She was clearly Ethiopian as her striking features were strong and so beautiful. I am by nature a friendly person who goes against the grain by New York standards and struck up a conversation with her. We had such a good time talking and I impressed her with my knowledge of her culture. It was almost her stop and we exchanged contact information. I came home and told my husband all about my encounter with a new friend named Lulit (pronounced luleet) to which he stated, "that's my wife for you".

I called her and we planned to hang out in the mist of our busy lives. She took me to an Ethiopian Restaurant I had not visited before, and I thought I had visited all of them. I learned a lot about how she came to this country and discovered how funny, talented and intelligent she really is. I told her of my experience of moving here from the West Indies and growing up in the US as a child. I learned of her living arrangement which didn't appear to be a comfortable setting. But it struck a nerve in me and I felt slight pity for her.

Our conversations continued and her living arrangement came up again. For now she was not working and her roommates were treating her worst than ever before. It really surprised me as they were Masters students at a very prestigious college. Life became difficult for her and I asked my husband if we could let her stay in the extra bedroom in our apartment. (I know). She was great. She made Ethiopian food and we had the best conversations. She paid her last months rent on her old apartment and I helped her to move her clothes out. The children loved her and she was nice to them. She stayed with us free of charge.

It was now summer time and she had never been to the beach. We went as a family and enjoyed ourselves. We did a lot of other activities as well. After a few months I started to see signs of depression. She was still not working and I became concerned. As a big sister figure, I had a talk with her that she did not like and she decided to move to Massachusetts to start a business. Three months later she had no where to go and she returned. She stayed another three months and I saw the same pattern. This time both my husband and I tried to help her but again she became angry, and she left to stay with a cousin in Texas.

So many things happened and we had more good times than bad. I remember that she gave me her cousin's telephone number and when I called, her cousin told me she saw the same pattern but found out she is now working in her new home state and doing well. I called the next time to check on Lulit and her cousin said she has not heard from her. It has been about three years now and I often wonder what happened to Lulit (Which for confidentiality sake I did not give her real name).

I really do miss her and wish her the very best life has to offer. We had some good times. I hope she is doing well and knows that I didn't mean to hurt her in anyway but has always been concerned for her well being and sometimes I guess that is as much as you can do for a person and then they move on. I hope all the best for her and if you see Lulit, Please, send her my love.


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