Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love is...

Love is a powerful weapon. A tool for mending broken relationships. It can be used as a platform to draw people near or as a humble lowering of self to show those who are dear.

Love is a word to be used with delicate tones for communicating truths and sternly for breaking through lies. Love is essential although taken lightly by some. It should be shared fairly from the greatest to the least and proportioned with equality from the west to the east.

Love is a feeling that dwindles and fades when within interactions; strongest when proven by the filter of time. It's most accurate by the work set forth and weakened by the consistency of materials bought.

Love is a challenge as it takes account of those without verses those on top. It sifts the heart and opens the mind. It stumbles the man and fathoms his essence for a search he cannot find or a bond that does not bind.

Love is kind. A virtue well hidden in some. A freedom to be released in many. It is best when practiced. It is best when shared. It is best aged and treasured, a fine wine of sorts. It can be traded, passed on, borrowed and taught.

Love is inspiring. Contagious in it's natural form, a closed line, from the giver to the receiver to the giver again. It is euphoric with no reachable height. It is expansive with no limited shape. It is for all a beacon of light.

Love is expansive encompassing all. A covering to those whom embrace it. A wall to those who spite it. It is an entity in itself protecting and endearing. To some wonderfully appealing and others painfully revering.

Love is all these and more. A choice by the viewer and receiver. An experience in itself lonely yet precious with another. The love I choose is best served with the former.


  1. This essay is powerful. I would love to repost and of course, give a plug to your work and blog. Please consider and write back.

  2. Sure. Feel free to re-post.
