Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Famous Abduction

I love the science of Astronomy and have always been interested in time travel, worm holes far off galaxies and one day working for NASA. I also knew about the famous stories of witnesses who saw flying saucers and claimed to be alien abductees. One such famous story which captured our full attention and went down in history as the leading account of the 1961 Alien Abduction was the case of Betty and Barney Hill.

They were an interracial couple which back then was very rare. Their story became national and I remember seeing a movie based on their alien encounter. It was a total sci-fi, but what came out of it was their duplicate description of the account and the infamous "Star Map" (a written recollection of Ms. Hill's communication with the aliens) that became a huge phenomenon, for it showed stars or what soon became known as planets in our solar system, that was not yet discovered until decades later.

Betty died in 2004 and remained true to her story as did her husband Barney who died earlier in 1969; just a few short years after his foreign encounter. Betty was a Caucasian American and Barney was of Ethiopian birth. Click below to view one of the many online articles about this interesting couple.

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