Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Encouraging Emails

Thank you for all your support! I want to personally thank Troy, Maria, Auntie Yerland, Tawalde, Berhanu, Judith, Professor Kristin, Dr. Yinka, Dr. Kibour and Dr. Chacko for their encouraging emails. Thank you so much for your input on the blog and well wishes for our upcoming trip.

As a result of a few requests in helping the charities abroad, I will be posting them this week with a new P.O. box where people can contribute. Requests can be made for the organizations you would like to help and a confirmation from that organization will be provided for you. I will give more details when everything is set up. Thanks again for visiting our blog.


  1. This is great what you are doing. Keep it up!

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Tom! Thanks for your encouragement.
