Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Impossible

I went to service today and the story of Noah flashed in my mind. You know, he gets a bad rap as he's only known for bringing two sets of animals in the ark. But stay with me here. When you read the story of Noah, he was intense. He had a vision from God and ran with it. He was organized, tend to the details, almost compulsively, and he had passion. He had a mission and regardless of what anyone said he was going to work the plan. The ark was not built overnight. He put quality into his work. Yet he was good at following instructions. He included those who were close to him, so that they would share in the success. He went against the odds when others told him it could not be done, what's more, that it was impossible and that he was out of his mind. Yet Noah was unwavering.

What do you believe in? What is your vision? What motivates you to keep going through the obstacles? This trip is just one stop on my journey, one chapter in my book of life. What great things do you want to do? I am inspired by Noah, as he set a great example; that the impossible can be done. What's your next impossible?

1 comment:

  1. I have a four year old named Andrew and a two year old named Stephen. As we prepare to go to bed at night Andrew always asks to read the story of David and Goliath in the bible. This is his and his brother's favorite story. David has unwavering faith and believes that with God's power he can defeat the Giant. "God is powerful" - Andrew shouts as he pretends to be David slaying the giant. This story reminds me of the giants my husband and I are facing in our lives. What are our giants?? - debt, finances, getting a better job, finishing my MSW from Hunter College, putting God first or sometimes it's just getting through the day. We need the unwavering faith that David had, courage, perseverance, time to see God work. We are inspired by David - he went out on a limb - the only one our of all the Israelites to stand up for God. When we have overcome these giants in our lives, we also want to shout that - God is powerful! - Raquel
